Maker Expo

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Additional information presented in a Frequently Asked Questions format.

What is a DIY & Hacker Showcase?

An exhibition style event featuring Do It Yourself (DIY) projects that have been hacked (Wikipedia Info) or built from scratch. Projects can be technical, artistic, scientific, and creative.

Is this like a Maker® Faire?

Yes, very much so. No...Maker® Faires have special licensing requirements that we are too small to meet at this time. We love the ideas of of their events and hope to emulate their philosophies until we are able to officially join their ranks. See the Maker Faire website for what makes events like these theirs so enticing to us.

Is this family friendly?

Absolutely! Kid-friendly activities are part of the fun. Just be aware that some equipment may be a bit louder than others.

Will there be food?

We will have a concession area open throughout the event, serving lunch around noon.

I thought "Hackers" were bad?

The original, and proper, meaning referred to someone messing about with something in a positive sense, that is, using cleverness to achieve a goal. The meaning of the term shifted over the decades since it first came into use with the media using the term to refer to computer criminals. "Crackers," which is analogous to a safe-cracker, is the correct term for the criminally intended. See Wikipedia for details.



What equipment should I bring?

We will provide a 6ft x 2ft plastic folding table and folding chairs, beyond that you will need to provide everything your exhibit requires.

Will internet be available?

We will have public, wireless internet available. Wired access can be arranged if necessary - let us know in advance though.

How many outlets can I use? / How much power can I use?

If your exhibit requires power, we can provide a 20amp dedicated or shared circuit within 10 feet of your exhibit. If you have greater power needs, please let us know in advance.

Can I have multiple booth spaces?

We prefer to have one booth space per exhibitor. If you need more space, please let us know in advance.

Do you have additional exhibition information?

See our Planning Page for additional details.

I have more questions, how can I ask them?

Please email us at